ER21: ETs On Earth, Volume 2


You’ve noticed lately — haven’t you? — that for the past few years, UFOs and phenomena in the skies are all over the place. Well, hold on to your hats! You can be pretty sure this is only going to increase in its frequency in the skies. In this book, you’ll be able to read a little bit about who the beings in the UFOs are, where they’re from, why they’re here, and so on. In the future, it won’t just be airplane pilots reporting on these things.

You’ll be talking about it among yourselves because regular folks just like you will be seeing these ships. This time, don’t keep it quiet. Just talk about it with your neighbors or your friends online. It gives other people permission to believe what they saw. People have been taught, you know, not to believe what they see. So you can believe it — it’s real.

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Robert Shapiro


Light Technology